Gay pride miami beach 2020

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Since 2005, we’ve given back more than $3.3 million and supported nearly 90 community organizations in South Florida. This money will directly support 11 organizations providing important services to transgender youth, senior citizens, people of color, and immigrants in the Miami area. In 2020 the Task Force donated $207,000 to The Miami Foundation, and in 2021 we donated another $50,000. The Task Force also donates a significant portion of the proceeds raised at Winter Party and its sister event, the Task Force Gala, to like-minded community advocacy groups in South Florida, through a grant-making process administered by the LGBTQ Community Fund of The Miami Foundation.

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We are committed to forward-thinking progressive change, both locally and nationally.

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Winter Party is a fundraising venture produced by, and in support of, the National LGBTQ Task Force. Our underlying purpose is much larger than the festival itself.

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